Why I Ditched the 10% Rule: A Weighted Blanket Reality Check

Why I Ditched the 10% Rule: A Weighted Blanket Reality Check

Weighted blankets are a hot topic, promising deep pressure therapy and relief for anxiety, insomnia, and sensory processing issues. But if you've been following the "10% of body weight" rule for choosing yours, I'm here to tell you it's time for a rethink. As a Pediatric Physical Therapist, I've seen firsthand how this guideline can lead to ineffective or even uncomfortable experiences.

The Myth of 10%:
The 10% rule has its roots in weighted vests, which are designed to apply pressure across the entire torso. Blankets, however, only cover part of your body. A blanket that's 10% of your weight may feel barely noticeable.

Research Says...
Emerging research actually suggests that a weighted blanket closer to 20% of your body weight may provide more significant therapeutic benefits. This doesn't mean everyone needs a super-heavy blanket, but it's a reminder that individual needs vary widely.

My Experience with Clients:
In my practice, I've found that clients often achieve the most positive results with blankets that are heavier than they initially expect. This is especially true for those seeking deep pressure input for sensory regulation, better sleep and/or anxiety relief.

Finding YOUR Perfect Weight:

  • Start Lighter, Go Heavier: If you're unsure, start with a lighter blanket and gradually increase the weight until you find what feels most comforting and effective.
  • Pay Attention to Your Body: Do you feel relaxed and grounded under the blanket? Or is it too constricting or simply not doing much? Trust your intuition.
  • Consult a Professional: If you have specific concerns or underlying health conditions, seeking guidance from a therapist or healthcare provider is always a good idea.

Let's break free from the outdated 10% rule and embrace a more personalized approach to weighted blankets. There's no one-size-fits-all answer, so experiment and discover the weight that truly supports YOUR well-being.

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